Warm ups and Cooldowns with Tanya Beardsley was amazing yesterday. Lots of new ideas for both for classes (get ready to change things up, dear participants!). Tanya was awesome, awesome, awesome. So real and so nice--I couldn't have asked for more from such a famous Zumba celebrity. Last night was an awesome mixer where I got to meet lots of 'virtual' Zumba Instructor friends. This morning was one of the most amazing experiences of my life--the big all Convention Zumbathon! They were filming it for the new Zumba DVD. It was part Zumbathon, part rock concert, all amazing. I admit, I cried on numerous ocassions just because it was SO overwhelmingly incredible. I wish I could share pictures of that too, but cameras weren't allowed. You guys will see it all when the new DVD comes out!
Then I had the Zumbatomic Boost. Lots of great reminders, tips, new ideas and new songs and choreography. Gina Grant joined us and we had other amazing ZES's joining us including Lindsey and Marcie! Marcie is a blast--I got to take my Zumbatomic certification with her and it was great to connect. Lindsey with the ZES on my first ZIN DVD and she is so sweet and wonderful. Great to meet her. The whole class was inspirational. I'm taking a quick break to update you guys--next up I have Toning Boost! I'll be honest, I am EXHAUSTED and can't imagine how I'm going to get through it except that I KNOW the instructors will pump me up! You come here saying you're not going to go all out, but when Gina or Beto is up on stage telling you to give them everything you got, you just can't hold back! Just like my particpants are with me, right guys? See you in a few days!